Friday, 27 July 2012

Something in the Air

This morning I woke up feeling absolutely marvellous - full of energy - good humour and feeling physically very fit - wonderful feeling!  Yet some mornings I wake up feeling 100 years old , full of aches and pains and really just want to sit beside the fire - why the difference?  No obvious reasons, no changes in food or sleep or alcohol consumption - so it has to be something in the air - right?

Actually I thought the idea of something in the air sounded a little far fetched so I tried to find some practical, physiological answers to my question - why the difference? What I found was a lot of interesting facts about energy but nothing particularly relevant to my question. What stood out was the emphasis on the different cycles our bodies go through, the different developmental stages - Shakespeare's Seven Stages of Man, the sleep cycle where we pass through five stages of sleep each stage lasting 90 minutes which research now shows is continued in our waking hours where we oscillate every 90 minutes from high to low alertness - many people relate this rythmic process of life to something like biorythms or the affect of our star sign.
                          "We're physiologically designed to pulse, to move rhythmically 
                              between spending and renewing energy" Tony Schwartz - NYT  
But none of it seemed to relate to those high energy days which just seem to come out of the blue.
Now I may have to keep an energy journal to see if I can identify any sort of pattern in my good
day/bad days and if there was - what would I do - sit around and read a good book when I thought it might be a bad day?                                 

So what did I do with my marvellous morning?I blitzed through virtually everything in my 'to do' list and had a most enjoyable, productive day - thank goodness for whatever was in the air!

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