Sunday, 15 July 2012

Happier Older Wiser - A Community of Minds.

When I retired we moved to a small town, a town I had always wanted to live in, and I am happy to be here. However I found it difficult to settle down to being retired, struggling with the feeling that I was being a dilettante, playing at life.  After a while I worked out that what I was missing was a Community of Minds, being  involved with a group of people able and willing to discuss books, philosophy, politics,  spirituality, the whole wonderful world of ideas. 

I thought a blog would help  to expand my life, the range of people I communicate with and my writing skills.  The internet is a marvellous tool for each of these. So I decided to put myself out there and see how many likeminded people I could meet. That’s not to say people who think the same as me, just people who are prepared to think.

So here I am with my first blog post, hoping to make contact with other of the same ilk.  I have lots of ideas on what I would like to include, sections for people to contribute their writing, topics for discussion, book reviews, and the opportunity for others to contribute their ideas. So please do – share your ideas on additions to this blog or what you think about the possibility of a Community of Minds.


  1. Hi Jeanette

    I love this idea and hope you get lots of feedback. I am yet to retire, although my husband and I are in the process of buying our retirement home in Kalbarri. Although my retirement, I am a teacher librarian, is a few years off I can imagine it may be hard to get used to, I will keep an eye on your blog.


    1. Hi Claire - Thanks for that - good luck with your plans - just don't rush! Enjoy the Now.


Please do send me your comments - I'd love to hear your opinions